Workstation and Applications Troubleshooting - HTC Vive Pro

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on problems that may be encountered with the workstations and the applications running on it. This page will guide you step by step through the possible problems you might encounter. A quick overview over the content of this page can be found next.


Workstation or Application Problem
VIVE Wireless
Simulator Hub


For problems not listed here, see VR-Equipment Troubleshooting or contact Innerspace Support.


Problem/Question Recommended Actions/Answer
The workstation is not turned on.

Notice: The workstation should not be switched off at any time.

If the workstation turns off due to a power outage or other unforeseen events, attempt to turn it on by pressing the button on the workstation. Make sure the power cable is connected, and sufficient power is supplied to the outlet.

If this fails, contact Innerspace Support.

The monitor of the workstation stays black.

1. Check if the monitor is connected to power properly and a display cable is connected to the workstation.

2. Make sure the monitor is turned on.

3. Check if the correct source has been selected.

The workstation requires a password or login information.

The workstation does not require a password under normal circumstances. Reboot the workstation. If the issue persists, contact Innerspace Support to help you resolve this issue.

The mouse or keyboard of the workstation is not working.
  1. Ensure that the mouse and keyboard are turned on. The switches can be found above the numkeys of the keyboard and under the mouse.
  2. Make sure the equipment is charged. Both the keyboard and the mouse have an internal battery and can be charged by using the USB charging cable that comes as part of the Logitech MX900 set. Connect one end of the cable to the keyboard or mouse and the other to either a USB port on the workstation or to the USB charger.

  3. Make sure the Logitech Adapterlogitech unifying is plugged into a USB port in the back of the workstation.
Is it possible to listen to the virtual reality content through the computer as well?
  1. From your computer, open the SteamVR app.
  2. Click , and then select Settings > Audio.
  3. Click the Audio mirroring On/Off switch to turn it on.
  4. In the drop-down list, choose the device where you want the audio from VIVE duplicated. Standard is to choose the Jabra Speaker that was shipped with your Station.
VIVE Wireless is not connecting to the VR-Headset.
  1. Ensure that the wireless adapter is connected to the power bank and that the power bank is switched on by pressing the image-removebg-preview button. The power bank will indicate its charge state with up to four green LEDs, and the wireless adapter will flash a green dot.

    Connect the headset adapter to the power bank          A green light appears on the headset adapter
  2. If the power bank will not switch on, connect it to the USB charging cable. If green lights appear on the power bank, this will mean that it is charging. Four solid green lights indicate that it is fully charged.

  3. Ensure that there is a clear view between the wireless link box and the headset.

  4. Restart the VIVE Wireless application.
VIVE Wireless displays an error and the headset cannot be found.
  1. Ensure the power bank is charged, connected to the wireless link box and turned on.
  2. Place the headset in clear view of the wireless link sensor.
  3. Try re-pairing the headset by going to VIVE Wireless > Settings > Pair New Headset and follow the onscreen instructions.
  4. If the headset can still not be found, make sure the cable of the wireless link sensor is connected properly.
    vive wireless sensor
SteamVR does not show all devices as connected.

If the Base Stations show as offline, ensure they are plugged in.

  • If the LED is blue, it is still spinning up and waiting to stabilize. If it never changes from blue, check to make sure the base is mounted securely. Vibrations can cause it to be stuck in this state.
  • If the LED is solid or blinking purple, the base stations are having trouble seeing each other. Make sure nothing is in the way.
If that does not fix the issue, check the Link Box status. It should be connected as shown. Press the blue button to turn it on. image-removebg-preview (3)For the Controllers, make sure they are charged, turned on and visible to the headset. They might switch to standby mode after some time of inactivity. Move them and press a button to reactivate them. 

If the Headset does not show up, make sure the base stations have a clear view to the headset. Ensure VIVE Wireless has been started prior to SteamVR. Close all applications and start VIVE Wireless, turn on the power bank and wait for VIVE Wireless to display "Ready" (Troubleshooting). Restart SteamVR.

Some icons in SteamVR display an exclamation mark. This means there is an update available for the hardware. See the Update Equipment page for help.
The Simulator Hub application requires a password and API key. Contact Innerspace Support to help you resolve this issue.
Training application displays headset not found error.

Make sure the "VIVE Wireless" and "SteamVR" applications have been launched , VIVE Wireless shows "Ready" and the devices show up as connected (see image) on the SteamVR info window.          Wait until all symbols appear colored                        Wait until VIVE Wireless is ready

Notice: VIVE Wireless needs to be launched and ready prior to SteamVR.

Simulator HUB starts in offline/cached version

This means that your Simular Station is currently not connected to the internet. Please check that the LAN cable is plugged in correctly or that the PC is able to establish a connection via Wi-Fi.

Also note, that internal IT changes might affect the "whitelisting" of certain Innerspace applications. Please check with your IT Department and refer to the following website for guidance: IT Requirements

The trainee sees a black or blue screen.

This error is caused when the view of the VIVE Wireless sensor is blocked. Avoid foreign people or objects within the training area.

  1. Close all running applications.
  2. Place the headset in the middle of the training area.
  3. Make sure the VIVE Wireless sensor has a clear view of the headset.
  4. Restart VIVE Wireless and when "Ready" is displayed, SteamVR.
The trainer wants to hear what the trainee hears.

Audio mirroring allows you to redirect the audio output to additional speakers.

  1. Connect additional speakers and turn them on.
  2. Start the SteamVR application.
  3. Click SteamVR in the top left-hand corner.
  4. Click Settings.
  5. Navigate to the Audio section.
  6. Select the appropriate device in the dropdown that is labeled as Mirror audio to device.
Disabling the VR dashboard opening when pressing the menu button on the controller.

If the menu buttons on the VR controllers are enabled, this may lead to undefined behavior during a training session (if a trainee unintentionally touches the menu button). Follow the steps below to disable this feature.

  1. Start the SteamVR application.
  2. Click SteamVR in the top left-hand corner.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Navigate to Developer in the menu on the left-hand side.
  5. Untick the checkbox that is labelled Enable VR Dashboard.


If the actions listed above do not resolve the problem or a problem has been encountered that is not listed here, then please contact Innerspace support to discuss further. The standard office hours are 9am to 5pm CET on Austrian business days.


+43 (0)660 140 0971



Innerspace GmbH
Helga-Krismer-Platz 1
6020 Innsbruck