Updating the Equipment - HTC Vive Pro

Updating the Primary Virtual Reality Equipment

The user will be notified by the SteamVR application whenever there is an update that needs to be applied to either the headset, controllers or base stations. As shown in the image below, the application notifies the user by displaying a ¡  next to one of these devices in the SteamVR application once the device is connected.

image (6)

Move the mouse over the icon and then click the Update Available option. Follow the on screen instructions to complete this process.

If the update is for the base stations or controllers, you may be asked to connect these to your workstation using a micro-USB cable. If not already removed, a micro-USB cable can be found in Box 5 of the HTC VIVE Pro set.

If the update is for the base stations or controllers, you may be asked to connect these to your workstation using a micro-USB cable. If not already removed, a micro-USB cable can be found in Box 5 of the HTC VIVE Pro set.

The updates can sometimes take more than 30 minutes to complete. While firmware updates are in progress, do not unplug the micro-USB or power cables that connect your hardware to your workstation. Doing so could result in a firmware error.

If the update is performed wirelessly, ensure that there is a clear line of sight between the hardware and the wireless link box sensor.

Updating the Workstations

The Simulator Workstations are updated remotely via Innerspace to ensure that the Innerspace Simulator Hub software is fully up to date. For these updates to happen, the following conditions need to be met.

  • The workstations should remain switched on at all times.

  • The workstations should have an active internet connection at all times.

The following process is undertaken when updating the workstations.

  1. A date and time is agreed upon with the customer. This ensures the workstation is not being used at the time of the update.

  2. The Innerspace Simulator Hub software on the primary workstation is updated remotely by Innerspace using Microsoft Intune device management.

  3. The customer tests the new updates and if they are happy with it Innerspace will then proceed to update software on the backup workstation.