Support Information

The purpose of this article is to provide guidance on the support process for users of the Innerspace Simulator platform. It also explains what a user should do if they have a problem and how the support process is managed here at Innerspace.

The following topics will be covered:

How to Raise a Support Ticket

Users can raise new tickets via the following methods.

Phone +43 660 140 0971

Standard office hours are 9 am to 5 pm CET on Austrian business days.

What Information Should Be Included in a Support Ticket

For a swift and efficient resolution of issues, Support Tickets should include the following information:

  • Description of the Issue

  • Date and Time of Occurrence

  • Duration (since when the issue has been occurring)

  • Affected Module IDs and Versions

    • Module Environment (RABS, Isolator, BSC, etc.)

  • Error Code (if displayed in the headset)

How Tickets Are Managed

When Innerspace receives a new ticket we will firstly acknowledge that we have received this by sending an email to the customer that raised it with us. 

We will then work to ensure that the ticket is resolved as quickly and as efficiently as possible whilst keeping the user updated. At this time, we will also request any further information that may be required to help us resolve the problem.

The table below provides a list of all statuses that can be assigned to a ticket and a description of what exactly they mean.




The ticket has been recently logged and is awaiting review by the Innerspace support team.


The request is being dealt with by the Innerspace support team.


Information has been requested from the user to help progress the ticket.


Assistance has been requested from the Innerspace development team to help progress the ticket.

Closed The ticket has been resolved and the resolution has been communicated to the user.


If a user requires an update on any of their tickets they should contact Innerspace via one of the contact methods listed at the beginning of this article.